The Natural Order of Things


“For me, architecture has become a passionate search for essences of form and space—number, shape, proportion, scale—a search for ways to define space by thresholds of structure, natural laws, human identity and meaning.”
Anne Tyng

Nature is always the starting point in our work and a recent walk in an ancient woodland for a new project inspired us to share a few thoughts on the impact of wildness and geometry in the buildings we make.

Nature is the outcome of an awesome 4 billion-year-old research project. We enjoy its power to disarm the ego, not only through its apparent indifference to our presence - but through its invisible laws of mathematics that appear so mesmerising, like some sort of secret code just out of reach.

These numbers are made visible through geometric fractal beauty, represented in a variety of ways through laws of golden ratios and proportional radial growth patterns. Casting a spellbinding order and efficiency that concludes in sublime beauty. 

Most of our work incorporates these proportional systems and are woven in during the design process. We seek to make order and as Anne Tyng suggested, ‘reinforce human identity and meaning’ in the work we make - through our appreciation of the natural laws that surround us. We’ve come to understand this as an invisible guiding force. 

Geometry and proportional systems, help set a standard, they provide deep insight and help guide the way when working with doubt. These systems also limit the infinite choices in any design decision and add an indefinable richness to our clients' lives. 

Kristian Hyde