Finding Flow


“If a man knows not which port he sails, no wind is favourable.”

With so many distractions these days, how do you find nourishment and that feeling of achievement in your work? 

Move with precision, reflection and poise. Revel in the connectedness of your task, in tune with life.

These are our 9 points to finding flow:

  1. Find your quiet peak time in your daily rituals

  2. Clear away distractions

  3. Hold your calls, don’t check your mail

  4. Phone screen down, night mode

  5. Let everyone know you're going ‘dark’

  6. Clear your desk or find a quiet corner – good coffee shops promote flow

  7. Create a ‘head down’ playlist, it really helps

  8. Focus on tasks in 20 minuite bursts to keep time

  9. Keep practising, this is life craft.

Photography + Words
Kristian Hyde