Castle High - Client Side

“Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived. Follow the path that is no path, follow your bliss.”
- Joseph Campbell

We formed Hyde + Hyde in 2006 and over the last 16 years of working on a broad range of public and private projects we have come to realise that more often than perhaps we like to admit - the result of good architecture is disproportionately down to extraordinary clients. 

With that in mind, we wanted to share some feedback recently received from our clients at Castle High. We hope this will give you an unique insight from our clients on the journey to creating a beautiful and meaningful home. 

What we discovered during our first visit to Castle High was a deep motivation by a large loving family, focused collectively on honing an existence - in a wild remote landscape. Feeding fully from the abundance this environment provides. With wild empty beaches for swimming, surfing and long solitary walks. It is a lifestyle choice that sacrifices many of the cultural pleasures offered by the big cities. This existence, rewards in different ways, perhaps by the simple realisation that above all the consumerism and noise of everyday life - nature comforts, heals and provides.  

The story of Castle High is ultimately the desire to achieve something exceptional with limited resources. Playing the long patient game, without sacrificing quality.

Client Feedback 

“When we first decided on the mad leap of faith that is a demolition and self-build we found our architects, Hyde and Hyde, on a random google search of award winning architects. We loved the look of their work and contacted them the next day. Their enthusiasm was infectious from the outset and their eagerness to learn about us and our family seemed more important than what we wanted our house to look like. They were looking for the narrative from the inside out. Once we had met a few times, talked about our family and our day to day lives we further explored our requirements in a new home.

We were fans of concrete, both of the aesthetic and as a highly durable, low maintenance material which would protect us in our highly exposed setting. We wanted generous glazing to make the most of the spectacular views afforded by the elevated nature of the site and we wanted an open plan space to accommodate a large and busy family of six.

We wanted overall to replace a rapidly deteriorating, draughty, very damp old farm house and a dilapidated barn with a functioning, comfortable home, as self-sufficient as possible and to make the most of an incredibly elevated, exposed site, responding to changing seasons and a growing family. Also if we were to undertake such a monumental task we wanted it to be beautiful and timeless. Hyde and Hyde completely delivered that vision for us. The shape of the house frames every view and at the same time generates the order for the internal layout and joins with barn and outbuilding to create the sanctuary we wanted.

We love the way the overhang is so beautifully designed but also shades the space and allows for solar gain in winter. The large doors open onto the sheltered internal courtyard and extends our living space outside. The monumental nature of the structure provides a sense of safety and security. Within the steel, concrete and extensive glazing we feel suspended in the landscape , exposed to it and yet completely protected at the same time. The ancient trees, and considered build materials mean that the house sits in its landscape so discreetly it is hardly visible from nearby fields and roads.

The Hyde + Hyde team have been so supportive, positive and encouraging throughout our self-build and as excited as us to see the realisation of our dream home. From pen to paper to last door hung Castle High has exceeded expectations in both beauty and function."

Martin Gardner

Kristian Hyde + Private Clients, Castle High